
Bloober Team

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Recent articles about Bloober Team

The Medium developer Bloober Team also pulls all sales from Russia, Belarus

Ban will first come into effect on Steam, but will apply to all other platforms

Bloober Team withdraws from acquisition talks

The Polish studio says being acquired would "limit the potential growth of the company's value"

Bloober Team adding action to its psychological horror focus

CEO Peter Babieno says 2021 will mark a turning point for the studio behind The Medium and Layers of Fear as it pursues a broader audience

The Medium has already recouped production and marketing costs

Bloober Team informed Polish media that it was in profit one day after the game's launch

Bloober Team's The Medium delayed to January 2021

Studio attributes decision to impact of COVID-19 and other game launches, likely Cyberpunk 2077 delay

Bloober Team sets sights on becoming "the Blumhouse of the games industry"

Piotr Babieno on betting the farm on horror, and taking full advantage of next-gen tech with Xbox exclusive The Medium

Survival horror: Thriving in a genre gold rush

Polish developer Bloober Team is betting its future on scary games, but CEO Piotr Babieno isn't afraid of getting lost in the crowd

Is it worth making launch titles these days? [Sponsored]

With new consoles we see mostly well-known brands, and some new IPs from first party, but indie devs like Bloober Team might have a huge impact on next-gen

Is The PS Vita a Viable Platform For Indies?

Icon Games, Bloober, Honeyslug and Four Door Lemon give an insider's take on developing for PlayStation's new handheld

Office details

  • ul. Szlak 28
  • Krakow
  • 31-153
  • Poland

Contact details


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